Priority Initiative

Fixing "Unsolvable" Business Problems

You are a great leader. You have an amazing team. But you still aren’t seeing the great results you really want. 

You’re fed up with temporary solutions and the frustrations that come with them. 

It’s time to remove the things holding you back.

You are a great leader.

You have an amazing team.

But you still aren’t seeing the great results you really want. 

You’re fed up with temporary solutions and the frustrations that come with them. 

It’s time to remove the things holding you back.

INTERACTIVE QUIZ: How Innovative Is Your Business?

The best predictor of your company’s long-term survival and success is an accurate measure of how innovative you are. 

Innovate too little, and you become a failed business statistic. 

Innovate too much, and your company burns itself to the ground. 

Click the button below to take our quiz that will provide you with a customized assessment of your current innovation profile, PLUS personalized feedback for how to best leverage innovation in the future.

Innovative Businessman holding a tablet. Click the picture to take the quiz.

INTERACTIVE QUIZ: How Innovative Is Your Business?

The best predictor of your company’s long-term survival and success is an accurate measure of how innovative you are. 

Innovate too little, and you become a failed business statistic. 

Innovate too much, and your company burns itself to the ground. 

Click the button below to take our quiz that will provide you with a customized assessment of your current innovation profile, PLUS personalized feedback for how to best leverage innovation in the future.

The Benjamin R. Lueck Leadership Podcast


Featured Resources


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Our "Why"


Ending Workplace-Related Suicide. 

Exceptional leadership literally saves lives.

We Ignite Leadership Revolutions.

We transform visionary leaders into industry champions.

To Become Unrivaled In Simplicity. 

Mastering clear, human-centered solutions in a complex world.

People First.

All business is based on human-to-human (H2H) connections, and these H2H relationships are what make the profits, productivity, and growth possible. 


Grow Consistently.

Be Better Every Day.


Lead Authentically.

Lead yourself with honesty and integrity.
Lead others with empathy and humility.
Lead the market with stewardship and professionalism.


Jeff Munster
    Jeff Munster

    US Army, Field Artillery Mission Command Training Center

    Without question or hesitation, Ben Lueck is a proven leader, coach, and mentor to everyone he meets. His unwavering commitment, fidelity, and selfless service to all he has come in contact with exemplify his unmatched character. A phenomenal trainer and mentor, Ben simply makes everyone around him better.

    Keith Purdy
      Keith Purdy

      US Army European Command, Asymmetric Warfare Officer

      Benjamin Lueck exemplifies the leadership quote by John Maxwell, "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." Benjamin's people-first attitude makes others want to be a part of his mission whether in the Army or in his Civilian career.

      Justin Newlin
        Justin Newlin

        Senior Human Resources Director

        Ben’s knowledge and work ethic are unparalleled among his peers. He is an excellent communicator and delivered candid, expert advice and recommendations enabling decision-making for leadership.

        Gary Goodman
          Gary Goodman

          Executive Officer

          Benjamin is one of the finest professionals I have worked with in 20 years. His ability to forecast requirements and implement systemic solutions to complex problem sets far exceeds his peers.

          Watch Us On YouTube

          Hey There!

          I'm Benjamin R. Lueck...

          As a husband of nearly 20 years, a father of five kids, US Army combat veteran, speaker, trainer, and best-selling author, I know how to simplify the complex. 

          With more than two decades of leadership experience across three continents, I discovered SOMETHING BIG! You can be a great leader. You can have a great team. And you still won’t get great results! 

          I know why… Connect with me and I’ll show you.

          Priority Initiative, LLC © 2021-[year]




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